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Implement a cancellable timer function

Timers are probably the most used BOM API’s, using which we can schedule callbacks to be executed after a wait time. We need to implement a higher order utility function for both setTimeout and setInterval API’s which returns a cancel function cancelling the timer.

Variation: setInterval

1. Cancel setInterval implementation

function cancellableSetInterval(callback, delay, ...args) {
let timerId = null;
timerId = setInterval(callback, delay, ...args);
function cancelInterval() {
if (timerId) {
timerId = null;
return cancelInterval;
// Usage of the API
let i = 0;
const cancel = cancellableSetInterval(() => {
console.log(i); // logs 1,2
}, 1000);
// Cancel the auto increment on i after 2s
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2500);
Variation: setTimeout

2. Cancel setTimeout implementation

This is exactly same as setInterval, with only difference that we replace setInterval with setTimout.

function cancellableSetTimeout(callback, delay, ...args) {
let timerId = null;
timerId = setTimeout(callback, delay, ...args);
function cancelTimeout() {
if (timerId) {
timerId = null;
return cancelTimeout;
// Usage of the API
let i = 0;
const cancel = cancellableSetInterval(() => {
console.log(i); // never logs anything, since cancellation was done before 1s
}, 1000);

Further Reading

I strongly encourage you to explore and tackle additional questions in my Closure Questions for Frontend Interviews blog series.

By doing so, you can enhance your understanding and proficiency with closures, preparing you to excel in your upcoming frontend interviews.

Wishing you best. Happy Interviewing 🫡.